
Top upcoming innovations that will change our world

Innovations that will change our world


The 2010s saw a great rise in everyday innovations technology and have left us with some pretty remarkable inventions over the past decade ago. From smartphones and tablets to 3D printing to artificial intelligence to blockchain, we have surely lived through a tech revolution. Chances are that technology will continue to surprise us, and we have compiled a list of technological advancements you should watch out for!

Emotional Intelligence

We have seen Artificial Intelligence (AI) at work everywhere from Google Maps to monetizing social media, and the latest developments in the field take all that one step further by collecting data on faces, voices, and body languages to measure human emotions. MIT media lab, for example, is perfecting a device that senses emotion and releases an appropriate scent to make your day better.

Education Beyond the Classroom

Augmented reality, cloud computing, social media, and adaptive learning systems are all being integrated into technologies that help make learning a much interesting experience that doesn’t need to be confined to formal institutions such as a university campus.

Self-driving cars and anti congestion systems

self-driving cars have been around for quite some time now, but the idea of one being completely automated is still relatively unheard of. Tesla is expected to have a completely driverless car sometime in the future. Moreover, Automated  cars with features like adaptive cruise control are also predicted to have sensors that help them maintain a certain distance from other cars to avoid congestion due to uneven traffic.


Hyperloop is basically a modern mode of passenger or cargo transportation that was first proposed by a joint team from Tesla and Space X.  Hyperloop provides a transport solution for traveling long distances since it can allow tremendous speeds of around 1000-1200km/h which is surprisingly more than some airplanes can achieve.

exciting prospects in medicine and medical technology

genetics is perhaps the field that is expected to progress the most. You can expect anything from personalized care for individuals based on the knowledge garnered from their genome for identifying susceptibilities for different diseases to synthetic organs with minimal chance of tissue rejection.   Major strides are also being made in the field of ophthalmology with reference to curing blindness with technology like eSight. Biotonic limbs and robotic exoskeletons are expected to become common in helping disabled people with their motor functions.

Nanorobotics and medicine

Nanorobotics is expected to be used most noticeably in medicine e.g. to administer drugs in the right place in a body or to excise tumors and remove toxins. Complex surgical procedures especially are expected to make the most out of nanorobotics which could mean more success rate, minimal scarring, and short hospital stays for patients.

While there has been a lot of buzz and conspiracy theories about microchip implantations, the usage of sensors that might help detect the presence of certain pathogens and pathologies seems a very real possibility. A collaboration between Tufts and Princeton has already developed one for placing in the mouth.


Seeing robots become mainstream has long been fantasized by science fiction, and that might just a reality in near future— what with Boston Dynamics churning out machines to help in the military or making you pets that more agile and nimble than real ones. NASA  is also expected to populate more of the space with robots, entrusting them tasks that are too dangerous for humans.

Food Technology

3D printed food that is good for both you and the environment is also one of the highly anticipated things and is expected to be available from this year. Moreover, technology is also likely is to help us enhance the flavor of natural food items e.g. Coffee.

Green Technology

Countries such as like Denmark, Israel, and Sweden are leading the way in making the world greener, tackling global warming, environmental and resource issues by generating electricity from various waste materials, and encouraging material research to find more innovative ways to recycle.

Smart shopping carts

Shopping carts that locate commodities for you and can be checked out without a cashier are already in use and expected to become a norm.

Electric fabric

Fabric with the potential to produce electricity is also a very promising idea to have come out of material sciences and is expected to quite a few waves in near future.

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