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Telecommunications policy is related to the changing role of telecommunications in the economy and society. It provides a forum for research and discussion among scholars, policymakers, regulators, industry managers, consultants, and other professionals. Its direction is interdisciplinary and international, covering both theoretical and practical issues. Its scope includes issues of telecommunications reform at the national, regional, and international levels, including issues facing both developed and developing countries. Special attention is paid to the impact of convergence on the development, management, and regulation of knowledge infrastructure.
Importance of Telecommunication policy.
Telecommunication policy plays a very vital role in working from home. Working from home is a popular alternative to running your drive daily. If the user is asking about working from home, the telecommuting policy can help clarify things to the user. Here’s what you need to know:
With the rise of the Internet and the rise of affordable bandwidth, new types of workers, teleworkers, have emerged. In some cases, the technology available may allow certain employees to work from home rather than in the office. This benefits not only the employees but the company itself. As more and more employees seek the ability to work from home, companies must implement viable telecommuting policies. Let’s see below why this is so important. Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 coronavirus crisis, we have been amazed at the number of phone and video calls we make and receive. Last week I scheduled a FaceTime date and video conference and received more than an hour of voluntary communication. This is something I haven’t done since I was a teenager.
I’m not alone. With hundreds of millions of people blocked around the world, telecommunications is on the rise. The people I’ve spoken to have hosted new social ways to connect, virtual bachelor parties, happy hours, and reunions with unconnected friends for decades. People are communicating with one another on WhatsApp while working on different projects.
Key points to make a telecommunication policy:
A telecommunication policy not only focus on the present needs it also provides with the flexible structure to make changes with the passage of time to make it better for the future use. A telecommunication policy also defines the tools to use the policy effectively here are some key points to define your telecommunication policy to make it better and ideal.
- Please be specific about the policy. Make sure that whatever your telecommuting policy is specific. Clarify your expectations and requirements. It’s also important to remember that the office remains a place where teams can do their best, even as we enter a new and more flexible work era. We will continue to refine the work experience that fosters community, collaboration, and chance encounters that lead to innovation.
- Ideally, remote work complements this enhanced work experience. The key is to create a telecommuting policy that creates channels and infrastructure that not only sets the right expectations and supports telecommuting but also mitigates many of the pitfalls that occur when taking employees out of the office. With proper preparation and communication, teams can be as happy, connected, and productive at home as they are in the office.
- Create an effective power structure. Ask the manager to set a benchmark for teleworking employees. When do they check-in? Do you provide a list of tasks completed daily or at the end of the week? If your company is small enough, you can set up these steps for your entire company. In any case, make sure you are specific and transparent to your organization.
- Gives an overview of the tool employees should use. Employees need productivity apps, communication apps, and other tools. Be sure to define the tools you use, how you use them, and why they are important.
- It is open. If you are new to remote work, you can listen to employee feedback and find a strategy that works for all employees and can make a better working environment.
Main consideration for remote Working policy
Employees appreciate the flexibility of remote work, and the success of fully decentralized companies such as Basecamp and DuckDuckGo prove that this model works. Hope is not lost if the company’s telecommuting policy fails. It’s better to implement a new guardrail than to deal with the backlash of rolling back the current policy. Whether the policy is aimed at fully remote employees or offers flexibility as a perk, these best practices maintain or enhance the culture, even when face-to-face interactions are limited. Helps to do.
Defines a person who is eligible to work from home. Not all tasks can be performed remotely. Clearly lay out which teams are eligible to work remotely, and which teams need to be in the office.
Provides time management guidance to hourly employees. Every hour, non-exempt employees are required to accurately record all working hours and submit these records to their manager. Make sure that hourly employees have a way to accurately record their time when working remotely.
Establish an approval process. Similarly, once the eligibility criteria have been established, outline the personnel and process for approval. Employees need to know how to request telecommuting privileges, who approves them, and when they approve them.
Streamline communication channels. Face-to-face communication is no longer an option, so you need to dial internal communication. This means auditing existing communication channels and specifying their primary purpose. This can also mean the elimination of redundant channels. For example, if your company uses both Slack and G-chat, you should ask your team members to stick to one or the other to reduce inefficiencies.
Create attendance and availability criteria. One of the challenges of working remotely is that you can’t stop by someone’s desk to hear about a time-sensitive project. From time to time, you will feel like you are constantly hunting down people and attacking them with Slack, email, and text messages. Minimize this by setting criteria for when and how team members will be available.
Set normal working hours. The telecommuting policy should clearly state when employees are expected to work and when they should be called a day. If flexibility is important, this can mean setting a total number of hours (that is, employees are expected to work a total of 8 hours per day). More likely, it means establishing a range of working hours (that is, employees are working from 9 am to 5 pm and are expected to be available). Best practice is to reflect standard office workdays, which can vary from team to team.
Maintain security standards. We recommend investing in an encrypted virtual private network (VPN) to protect all system users. Similarly, instruct employees to avoid vulnerable public Wi-Fi. Instead, use a hotspot or encourage them to provide encryption software. Finally, make sure your employees keep their work data on their work computer, not on their personal computer. Most commonly, this means that employees only need to respond to emails on their work devices.
Provides IT support. While working from home, employees are more dependent on technology than ever before. IT work is required to perform the most basic communications and duties. Providing IT support is more important and logistically difficult for distributed employees. Especially if you are engaged in remote onboarding, you need to enable new employees and IT to communicate effectively with each other.
Stay connected to your culture. By continuing the benefits and amenities as much as possible, you can maintain normality and continuity with your employees. We will continue our internal communication program, including all participation meetings. Continuous communication is the key. E-mail newsletters and Slack updates should continue. It’s harder to keep an all-hand twice a week or twice a month, but even if the format changes, you must make every effort to do so. Weekly emails from company leadership and shared slide presentations are just as effective.
Record the confirmation of receipt. Remember that this is an agreement between the employer and the employee and will be revoked if the conditions are not met. Record employee receipts using a digital signature solution such as DocuSign.
Create a dress code. While sweating all the time seems to be a benefit of working from home, employees may need to interact with customers, clients, or partners via video conferencing. A note about the wardrobe that is acceptable in these situations is appropriate.
Gather feedback repeatedly. Not everything is correct for the first time. Create a means of feedback from managers and individual contributors. Anonymized feedback is best. The most important thing is to implement the changes as needed.
Advantages of Remote working policy:
Allowing employees to work from home or remotely is a healthy practice that can benefit their well-being and business. When designing your company’s telecommuting policy, you need to keep these benefits in mind. Here’s why the telecommuting policy is right for your company:
It shows trust. Everyone now knows that employee involvement drives performance. The more personally invested employees contribute to the success of your company, the more motivated they are to move up and down to reach their goals. Showing that employees trust to work from home helps to build an emotional bond between the employer and the employee that enables engagement.
Time freedom. One of the great benefits most employees find when they first work from home is the lack of commuting. The average American commute is more than 52 minutes daily. Employees will have more time to focus on themselves, their families, hobbies, or work as needed.
Supports intensive work. Another obvious advantage of working from home is the lack of general workplace distractions. As a result, many companies (including Snack Nation) specify remote days to focus on intensive work. Team members are encouraged to schedule tasks that need to be focused on these days (writing, planning, strategy, etc.) to maximize efficiency.
It reduces absenteeism. Giving employees the option to work from home when they start to feel sick reduces the chances of the disease spreading to other members of the team. The result is a healthier and more productive team. The effects of this phenomenon can be seen during the annual cold and flu season or rare cases of pandemics such as COVID-19.
It can be made for balanced employees. Employees who have a healthy family and social life and who can devote their time to passionate projects and hobbies are better workers. Working remotely means that the project manager can pick up the child from school, have a happy week with friends, or eventually enroll in the programming class he wanted to take. It means you can. When employees are fulfilling in other areas of life, they tend to be more common at work.
Disadvantages of remote working:
Working remotely is not without its potential disadvantages. Be aware of the risks listed below when creating a telecommuting policy.
It may be quarantined. Being around people is good for us. Our bodies release the pleasant chemicals oxytocin and serotonin when we see people we care about, such as friends, colleagues, and family. If you spend too much time alone, you can feel depressed. Besides, being away from the office can break the bond between employees and the company itself. Offices, especially those with a carefully designed work experience, give employees a sense of identity and a connection to the company and its values. This diminishes when you spend too much time away from it.
It may be accompanied by other distractions. Working from home eliminates typical office distractions (such as talkative colleagues), but in reality, employee homes are rarely optimized for work and promote procrastination of working hours. Useful for. Employees who are far away often work on sofas and beds due to the lack of suitable desks and tables. Or you’ll have to turn on your TV and watch it all day because of background noise. In companies with facilities such as meals, meals, and coffee programs, employees may run out of lunch and coffee multiple times throughout the day because they are not accustomed to planning meals, snacks, and coffee.
It eliminates chance encounters. One of the greatest advantages of an office, especially one with a great break room, is to provide an opportunity for people from different organizations to interact voluntarily. (Steve Jobs is famous for advocating this when designing Apple and Pixar office layouts.)
Establishing boundaries can be difficult. It’s great that you don’t have to commute (or shower), but one of the things we hear many times is that it can be difficult to get your work brains off and relax. Some employees work and check their emails from the time they wake up until their head hits the pillow. It’s a sure recipe for burnout.